Mar 27, 2020


When you love somebody, you forgive them when they hurt you. It's called being Human, there's nothing wrong with that. It might take long depending on the deed because most times, it's a lot to process but in the end, you gonna have to let go of the grudge except of course somewhere along the way there's an act of betrayal. Its unforgivable, even God can relate with me on that.

Sometimes what hurts the most when people you care about offend you isn't just the act but the feeling of not wanting to have anything to do with the offender who happens to used to be your best friend or family, having to loose or break up communication with them for life when eventually you can't help seeing them around each an everyday. The grudge alone eats you up from the inside on a daily.

Pain & Anger, the aftermath of the grudge & punishment we inflict on ourselves for somebody else's mistake. I mean, how long do you think you can hold on to that before you let go? Worst case scenario, you appear soft & weak but then again your freedom from such a burden makes you stronger than they thought you look & freedom my friend, is a thing of joy. Most of the times overwhelming so before you contradict me on that just ask yourself this, "you don't like to be free?"
My whole life, I've been trying to figure out humans but you find out that why people think or act the way they do is a whole mystery even bigger than you because you see what they want you to see. You cannot get into their heads, all you have is a tiny window into their lives & that's the farthest you can go unless of course you're gifted with mind reading which another weird case altogether because it makes you look so unhuman.
My point, you can not control they way people think but you can adjust the way you relate with each & everyone of them.

If you understand the journey in this life then you will also know that some things that happen in life is either part of the plan or a way to test your patient, see how you react to things that happen around you & how you handle them. Don't get me all wrong but most people have the habit of daring you just to watch you respond to the cause.

People will always be who they are, I mean it's one thing we can not change. We all can relate to that fact.
They will love & resent you for either your good or bad deeds, that's normal.
Most of them will even resent you for being good. You don't blame them, it's who they are.
Few will love you regardless your flaws but one thing you will make sure of is not being the reason for the burnt bridges.
Keep your heart clean of that so that nothing they do or say behind your back in the hope of making themselves victims of the situation is ever gonna get to your conscience
. It matters a whole lot.

It's a small world & everything goes round it, they have that connection in common. Nothing happens without a reason. Nothing goes for nothing. Words & Opposite, Actions & Consequences, Causes & Effects. It's a constant ever revolving chain of event, very inevitable for that fact. So you see, in order for you to indulge in the act of forgiveness then somebody has must have broken any one of the 2nd 5 of the 10 commandments because even the Holy Book can attest to that fact. We all are familiar with the particular Scripture verse that reads, "if there's no sin, there wouldn't be forgiveness." So it's also an act we owe to those who wronged us regardless of how much their deeds hurt. It doesn't matter how long it takes but one day, you gonna have to let go of the burden & by so doing, then you must have forgiven.


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