Sep 10, 2019

Causes & Effects

Actions have consequences, everyone of them, from the highest down to the slightest deeds. You don't walk through the fire & expect not to be burnt so if you thinking somehow there are ones you can get away with, well, you need to have a rethink on every move you make or about to because there's a coming back to everything, ranging from giving a helping hand to those who need it to taking ones life.

I don't judge, I suck at it most of the time plus it's not our duty to do so & if you also think there's not a higher power all cases are reported to then maybe you live in a different world because in this thing called life, some will say it's a circle but I prefer to use the word spherical which implies that every damn thing evolve around each other.

My point is, What goes around they say comes back around & that my friend can always remind you that karma does exist. It makes you mindful of what actions you take & to whom the causes of your deeds might affect & how, even though some without a heart or has one but choose to neglect it's use would care less.

Maybe not so immediate but on the long run, sooner or later, every deed done by any human whether good or bad will come back to you either with applauds or a bite you in the ass & most of the time, we don't see it coming through until it's close enough. As inevitable as that might be & as most certain as it always gets, it's a price every human gets to pay before we say goodbye to the living.

I'm not trying to be a biblist here. I think to life, there are codes & ethics as to how things are being done & the bible is more of that to our daily lives, a guide. God's word reminds us that every deed regardless its nature has a payback that comes in folds of tens which rather implies, take for example, a slap on the offended's face could cause the offender to loose a pint of blood same day or in years to come.

I'm not a fan of jungle justice but an intentional snitch on someone can cost you your goddamn life if fate is against you. Bullying or as most will call it, oppression on someone who can't fight back can cost the oppressor unspeakable things in life or I should rather say unthinkable kind of misfortunes all around him.

The need to seek for reconciliation from the offended comes to light but that's if you're so lucky to even find out what you're dealing with at the time because like it or not, in most cases, some of the shits we're struggling with in life might be effects of the pain we caused people, whose hearts were heavily broken knowingly or unknowingly.

The reason you're still alive today isn't always by grace because even the most gracious still gets to die but my point is, the good you did to someone, whether a friend or a stranger might be the reason you're still breathing God's air till date & even in years to come & as unknowing as that is, most people go around today thinking maybe because they're the ones calling the shots, they can do whatever the hell they want & get away with it. That might sound weird or seem almost possible but unless there's no higher power then maybe I'm so wrong with these facts.

Humans are the worst & the most difficult kinda species to deal with so you don't try to change people, you manage them because on like you, it's hard to convince you to bend a knee unless you feel the need to & in most cases, you do otherwise just so you can prove how much of the rules you don't follow. People are like that, you're welcome to try but the real change comes from within not because you forced it on them, but maybe they felt the need for the so called change & that act don't give you the right to choose who stays & who leaves because we all got flaws.

An old friend once told me Goodwill & Kind Gesture goes a long way in this part of the world so always make a good remark to anyone that comes your way because you never know, you will always need one tomorrow & instead of breaking up entirely with people or in most cases have beef with them, just give them some space, very vital. They'll come around. Everybody has a problem(s) especially the ones who think they don't so be careful how you deal with people, we all fighting hard battles.

Environment contributes to what we look like & life's experience alongside with hard times plays a huge part in who we grow up to become but always try your hardest to live a life worth remembering & also do things you're gonna be proud telling the story to those who might look up to you.


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